MARC Repeater Directory



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Coordination Information | TDS / Update / Review Form
Board of Directors | Meeting Schedule / Minutes | Repeater Directory | Newsletters


Repeater Directory access is provided through four indexes:

City     County     Quadrant     Frequency

Go HERE  for more information on
directory entries recorded in
red italics.

How the Repeater Directory can be updated.

A list of directory notations.


City Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |  I  | J | K | L | M | N

O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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County Index

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Frequency Index

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Quadrant Index


North of M-46
West of I-75 / US-27 / US-127


North of M-46
East of I-75 / US-27 / US-127


South of M-46
West of I-75 / US-27 / US-127


South of M-46
East of I-75 / US-27 / US-127

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Repeater Directory Notations






System Access (in Ac Column)



Open (usually carrier-operated)



Closed system






Repeater Emissions (in Features Column)






FM – (FM/Wide or FM/Narrow)



Digital Mobile Radio









NXDN Mixed



NXDN Digital









Multi-Mode (three or more of the modes above)






Amateur TV Analog



Amateur TV Digital






Shared Non-Protected Pair (SNPR)






Access Tone or Code Requirements (in PL Column)






DMR Color Code

In ###.#


Input CTCSS encode tone (specified) required for access

Out ###.#


Output CTCSS encode tone (specified) required for access



Digital Coded Squelch code required for access



P25 Network Access Code



NDXN Radio Access Number



Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency access code






Other Features (in Features Column)






Wide Bandwidth



Narrow Bandwidth



DStar Voice



DStar Data






Echolink node



IRLP node



AllStar node



Link Frequency



AUXCOM affiliated



ARES affiliated



Weather net or weather


Club or Organization URL





How Repeater Directory Updates Are Made

Updates to the MARC Repeater Directory are made by the organization sponsoring the repeater.

Repeater sponsors designate the individual responsible for communicating updates to MARC (usually the repeater trustee).

Updates are made by submitting an updated TDS / Coordination / Update / Review Form

You can help MARC improve the accuracy of the Repeater Directory.

If information in the repeater directory needs to be updated, please contact the sponsoring organizaton or repeater trustee and ask them to submit an updated TDS form to MARC.

Periodically, MARC will refresh the Repeater Directory with the latest information posted to the MARC repeater data base.

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Delinquent Repeater Directory Entries

Trustees associated with entries appearing in RED ITALICS  need to submit a TDS update for those entries.  These entries are considered to be in a delinquent reporting status.  All repeaters must be updated at least every two (2) years, or face possible loss of coordinated status.

NOTE:  Repeaters with a * preceding the call sign are being prepared for De-Coordination.

Final submissions to the ARRL Directory will only contain current TDS data that is complete and has been processed and approved by MARC.   The only exeption will be repeaters that have a current TDS on file with MARC, that are waiting to be posted to the MARC database due to administrative procedures.   These entries will remain in red italics until their last TDS Date has been updated in the database.

The update reporting deadline for having your repeater(s) listed in the ARRL Repeater Directory is December 31 of each year.  This does not mean you have to update every year.  It means your updates must be current, or less than two years old, in order to be listed in the ARRL Repeater Directory.  Updates received after December 31 may or may not be included in the Repeater Directory the following year.

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